Banana Cake Balls

I’ve mentioned before that in our house we don’t waste bananas. We make cake. So, what happens when our house ends up with too much banana cake? You attempt to make cake balls!! You basically crumble up the cake, mix it with

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Plant Pots

As well as the lemon cake I made these pots for Grandy’s birthday tea. My Grandparents have always had the most amazing garden so I thought these mini plant pots would be perfect. You bake the cake in the silicon pots just

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Grandy’s Lemon Birthday Cake

Making my Grandmother’s birthday cake is always one of the highlights of my summer. Partly because I like doing something nice for her and partly because she is always so pleased with whatever she receives. Previous cakes for her can be seen here and here. Grandy has always loved lemons. I was told of how

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South Korea Cupcakes

The only reason I’m showing baking support for a team other than Great Britain during the Olympics is that Lauren had her ‘Office Olympics’ over the past two weeks. She was allocated South Korea. In order to help her gain some points and win gold I made these cupcakes topped with the South Korean flag.

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