Sociates Cupcakes

My friend Steve, who made my lovely website for me just had his birthday. I wanted to make him something special and when I found these QR code cupcake toppers I knew that was what I wanted to do for him. QR (Quick Response) codes can be scanned and read like a barcode, and in this instance links you straight to the Sociates website. I ordered them from

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Wimbledon Party

Wimbledon Tennis starts this week and to celebrate we decided to have a party.  Pretty much everything was green and purple themed from our clothes down to the balloons, straws, plates and candles. We started with afternoon tea, for which I made

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Painted Cake

Seeing one of the cupcakes I made painted so amazingly is one of the coolest things ever. The talented artist is my friend Kim who, although can clearly paint anything, specialises in pet portraits. She has a brilliant new website which

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Gluten-Free Cupcakes

Being able to make gluten-free cupcakes seemed like a good skill to have, as lots of people have ditched gluten and some just plain can’t have it. I was worried they were going to taste plain or have a funny aftertaste but they don’t, they are great. I used my go-to Hummingbird recipe but swapped the flour and baking powder for gluten-free options. I made two kinds, vanilla cake with

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