Blueberry Birthday Cake

Ever since I made this blueberry cake in the summer my Dad has been relentlessly requesting more . So when deciding what cake to make for his birthday there was really only one option. I used exactly

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Tate’s Cookies

A few years ago now I spent the summer in The Hamptons with my family, including my cousin who is over from America at the moment. During our time there we consumed so many Tate’s cookies. Using this recipe from the Tate’s cookbook we decided to recreate the memories by making a batch together. They took some

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Luisa’s Pigs

My lovely cousin is visiting from America and after seeing my baking from afar, wanted to sample something while she was here. I chose to make vanilla cupcakes. I themed them

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Cupcakes For Katy

I wanted to make something really cute for our friend Katy’s birthday and have been wanting to learn how to make sugar flowers for ages. So I bought some flower paste and followed the instructions in this year’s Great British Bake Off Book. It took a bit of practice but now my efforts resemble roses. I let them dry out for a few days and then used them to

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