Looking Back on a Sweet 2019
I’m wondering if resurrecting the blog on the day when everyone declares their resolutions or good intentions for the next year (/decade!!) is a good idea or not. I’ve barely posted on here in the past three years since opening the shop. In fact, I’m almost certain I’m going to have to ask Lauren to remind me how to upload a post. But the last day of 2019 seemed like a good moment for a catch up and review, and while I’m not making it an official resolution (I save those for entry level commitments like ‘floss regularly’ etc.) I’d like to try use this space more – it’s where this whole thing started after all.
It can be easy for me to be hard on myself, focus on the list of things I meant to do with the business this year and the mistakes I made, but I think looking back and seeing all the wonderful things we did and achieved is going to be a nicer way to set us up for a new decade. So although it would be an easier task for me to compile my favourite albums/movies/tv shows of the year here are a few of my 2019 Afternoon Crumbs highlights/things I’m proud of:
I made more wedding cakes than ever this year. It started with a gorgeous white wedding cake the first week we were back last Jan and carried on throughout the year. While I made a few of these for some of my sweetest friends who were getting married, a lot this year were for couples I didn’t directly know. It made me feel really good that I was being trusted by strangers to be a small part of their big day and I loved creating something special for them. Lots more lovely weddings to come in 2020!
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