Chocolate Salted Caramel Cupcakes


I can’t even concentrate on telling you about these cupcakes with that caramel just dripping there. Ugh look at it. A bit of sugar and cream has bewitched my brain. What makes it even worse is that I made these last week and there’s none left to nibble to sustain me through the next paragraph. You thought you had problems. I wanted to make salted caramel for the first time. Despite it being cool like a year a go. I wanted to attempt to make my first batch of this

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Piped Flower Cupcakes for Annette


If you’ve read my FAQs you will have spotted that this time last year I was working in The Cake Parlour. It was an incredible experience where I learnt more than I could have imagined in three months. Zoe is an incredible teacher and I would not be able to make many of the cakes you see on the blog without the knowledge and skills I learnt while I was there. Now baking for myself, I constantly find myself going back for inspiration from

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Painted Pumpkin Cupcakes


I’m full on in love with Autumn. I’ve been pulling cosy sweaters out of my ‘winter clothes’ boxes, wearing a scarf that is basically a picnic blanket and thinking about what to carve in to this year’s pumpkin. These cupcakes are totally in love with Autumn too. They are for my friend who had her birthday last weekend. She is an amazing artist and yes, some might say it may have been a silly idea to paint something for a painter but meh, I thought she’d love it. I picked pumpkins as we normally go choose our Halloween pumpkins together plus ya knowwww it’s that time of year! Despite being pumpkin themed they are carrot cupcakes, as I know she loves them. I went to the Cake and Bake show a couple of weeks ago and attended

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Strawberry Vegan Cupcakes


A vegan friend coined the term ‘strawberry moments’ to describe those special everyday sweet moments that we share with the ones we love. These cupcakes were to celebrate those beautiful moments and probably for a bit of comfort eating.

I’ve been searching for a decent vegan cupcake recipe for a while now, thinking it would for sure come in handy at some point. I finally found one. I bought this book and it’s uh-mazing. It includes a pretty awesome vegan cupcake recipe, which you can see being made

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