Biscuiteers Butterflies

I can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning than icing butterfly biscuits at Biscuiteers. My sister bought me a class at their icing school which is part of their shop in Notting Hill. The shop was lovely, packed wall to wall full of biscuits and inspiration. I had a good look at all the biscuits before the class to see what I was aiming for. The class itself was so much fun. The school part is tucked downstairs in an adorable kitchen area and in a cosy booth my sister, my friend Fiona, another lovely lady and I we were shown step by step the icing process by our brilliant teacher Charlie. We were given

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Strawberry and Pistachio Cake

Wednesdays are becoming my favourite day of the week. As I mentioned before we have been invading our friends house to watch Mad Men every Wednesday evening since the season began. There’s something nice about a mid week gathering that allows you to pause and relax with friends. Last week I made no contribution to the evening and merely consumed everything I was offered. So this week I thought

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Teddy Bears for Teddy

Teddy (and Emily) are new friends but somehow they feel like a firm part of our friendship group already. Teddy has had all the birthday luck this year. Not only did her birthday fall on a bank holiday, it also was one of the warmest days we have had so far this year. We celebrated by

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Maple Bacon Cupcakes for Andrew

There are people in my life that I just know I’m going to be friends with forever. I know this because I can be far away from them and only exchange a few funny texts from time to time, but when we do get together it’s like they were never more than a few streets away. The distance doesn’t really matter. They are equally as important to me as the friends that I love and see most days, but it’s special when they come home to visit and I get to see their faces. Andrew is one of these people. I’ve known him for most of my short life and

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