Strawberry and Raspberry Tart

So summer finally decided to show up this week, and wanting to take advantage of the amazing weather before it disappears again, we decided to go fruit picking. It’s something I try to do every summer. It’s quite relaxing and reminds me of

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Spiderman Cupcakes

It feels like I saw the trailer for the new Spiderman film a lifetime ago now. I’ve been looking forward to seeing it for so long I bought these Spiderman cupcake cases and toppers in America way back in March. I decided

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To me there is nothing more adorable than a dog. So having two of them on one cupcake makes these, the cutest cupcakes I have made to date. Again I used edible toppers, but this time chose two photos. While making these cupcakes I also managed to figure out my gluten-free cupcake case issue. It turns out that the metallic cases don’t come away from the cakes. Problem solved!

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Sociates Cupcakes Video

Sociates Cupcakes by Afternoon Crumbs from Sociates on Vimeo.

My cupcakes beautifully captured by Sociates! It can be viewed much larger here.

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