4th July

Yes, I’m only a tiny bit American but any excuse to make cupcakes is good. I made vanilla cupcakes with stars and stripes cases and red, white and blue sprinkles and distributed them

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Astrid’s Leaving BBQ

So just before the end of exams I decided to have a leaving BBQ for Astrid as she is moving to Manchester to do a new university course. I promised her some cakes before she left (she would have got a bigger whole cake if she had decided to stay). I chose these colours because

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Cherry Pie

For the pastry I used Bill Granger’s Pie Pastry and used this amazing lattice tool that my mum had to create the pretty top. I brushed the top with milk to make it golden brown in the oven. The pie went down really well, especially with vanilla ice cream. I’ve got a few adjustments in mind for

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40 Point Birthday

Even though her name doesn’t score very many points, it’s Ginetta’s birthday tomorrow. Considering how we have a continuous ‘Words with Friends’ scrabble game going on, these were the obvious choice! They are mini cupcakes with vanilla frosting, topped with

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