Happy Birthday Dad

Today was my Dad’s birthday. We had a really nice relaxing day, which of course included eating birthday cake. I can’t take much credit for this as Mum was more about the production and I was in charge of design. Based on the ribbon I chose

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Whoopie Pies

These are easily one of the most fun things I’ve ever made. The recipe is from my Whoopie pie book which was a brilliant Christmas present. With the help of the lovely Alexia we made the original chocolate with

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Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

After a long and stressful week I felt like I deserved these. I’ve been wanting them for a few days now after watching a Friends episode that mentioned oatmeal cookies…I used this recipe but just used chocolate chips instead of nuts. They are

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Victoria Sponge Cupcakes

This evening I went to my friend Alex’s for pizza night, where we had her now famous Naan pizzas, seen here on her amazing blog for student cooking. Not wanting to go empty handed, myself and Astrid made these cupcakes from this Martha Stewart recipe. We filled them with

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