baking blog

Cupcake on Cupcake

When icing cupcakes I normally just pile it on with a palatte knife, but for these birthday cupcakes for a family friend I decided to have a proper go at piping. There are so many different kinds of piping bags and having previously used the disposable ones, on a brief encounter with piping (it was okish), this time I decided to test out a silicone bag which

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Found. Cake

I will take any excuse to make cupcakes. Yesterday was my sister’s company’s quarterly review, and considering the only reports I hear from her work are about things she has eaten, I figured cupcakes would be appreciated in her workplace. The company are called Found. and they are

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Idol Nights

 So I’m aware of the lack of posts, this has been due to hideous amounts of end of term essays and a rather nasty cold. These Idol cupcakes were for an American Idol viewing night a few weeks ago. American Idol pretty much takes over our lives for a few months and I love it. We often

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Valentine’s Day Cookies

I’ve been wanting to learn how to make royal icing for a while now. Royal icing is used to decorate cakes and biscuits and it sets hard. After reading up about the techniques and ingredients I thought that making Valentine’s treats for my family and friends would be the perfect opportunity to try it. People make it different ways, using egg whites or meringue powder. Although sometimes controversial I decided to use

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