Chocolate Orange Macarons


Well this is very exciting! I’m so happy to finally show you the new and improved Afternoon Crumbs site. Yaaaay! My ridiculously talented friend Steve designed it for me and I’m more than a little bit in love with it. I hope you all are to. It has lots of new exciting features such as ‘Pin’ buttons, social links and my face. Oh yes. I’m really pleased to have this great new setting to share with you some exciting posts and I can’t wait to start this next part of my cake-filled journey. I couldn’t help but make a little something to celebrate

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Party Ring and Jaffa Cake Cupcakes

I’ve been dreaming of putting mini party rings on cupcakes for a while now. The time finally came just over a week ago, before I went on holiday, when the weather was just starting to turn. It had been rainy and grey and with the temperature dropping I decided it qualified as biscuit weather. You know what I mean. Obviously not wanting to settle for just a biscuit or a cupcake with tea I 

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Yellow Rose Cake

Yesterday was my Grandmother’s (Grandy’s) Birthday. She loves whites, yellows and greens and whenever we buy her bunches of flowers it’s always in these colour tones. I wanted to replicate the birthday bouquet we were going to give her as the theme for her birthday cake. To do this I

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Watch Box

Oh boy did I learn a lot while making this cake. The thing is, I never really make square or box cakes let alone panel them, so it was a lot of figuring it out as I went along. And measuring, oh the measuring. I am however, pretty darn pleased with how it turned out and I love that I can now do something new. This cake was for my friend Eddie’s birthday. As you may have guessed he’s majorly into watches so we decided to make a watch box and showcase a few of his favourites. I was so preoccupied with

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