Spring Break

Oh. My. Gosh. I’m Excited. Tomorrow morning I’m heading to LA for a two week holiday. We are going to Coachella which I’ve been talking about/wanting to go to for aaages and this year we finally decided to go. We’ve planned lots of other fun things to do and explore too. So, while

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Happy 50th Birthday Richard

First off, let me tell you how much I loved making these little penguin guys for this cake. They are so sweet, if a little chubby. The lovely recipient of this cake is being taken to the Antarctic as their birthday present (how cool is that?!) so that was the theme! Since making this cake I’ve learnt that there are apparently no igloos in the Antarctic (doh!). Although, I’m almost certain Pingu lived in an igloo? I moulded the igloo using

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Mother’s Day Macarons

It’s always good to stop and appreciate the amazing people in your life. That’s why I love days like today. My Mother is one of the most amazing people I will ever know. She is always there to guide me, teach me new things and give an honest opinion about which sprinkles to use. Having said that, these macarons are not for her. Ha. They are for another wonderful mother. My friend Emily asked me

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Persian New Year Cake

When I was asked to make a Persian New Year cake I wasn’t really sure what to do as I had never seen or heard of one before. There isn’t a traditional dessert as such so my task was to create a cake to celebrate by combining traditional Middle Eastern flavours. I chose to make a pistachio cake layered with honey buttercream and raspberry and pomegranate jam. I tripled the recipe I used for this cake as I knew it would be delicious and be able to hold the treats on top. I coated the whole cake in the honey buttercream and covered the sides with crushed pistachios. For the top of the cake

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