Flower Cake

I seem to think that making birthday cakes for family and friends is the best time to experiment and try different things. I guess it’s not really a bad thing, it allows me to learn new techniques and make a cake special to that person. This cake was for a dear family friend of ours. We’ve known her forever and

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Blueberry Macarons

My sister has become pretty obsessed with my macarons. She even requested some for her company, Found‘s quarterly review. I still think it’s pretty amazing that my sister works for a company whose colour is purple. It’s her favourite. So deciding what colour the macarons had to be was easy, but I wasn’t sure what flavour to make them. Most purple macarons I’ve seen are

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Cosmetics A La Carte Cupcakes

I’ve been getting my make up from the same place since I was allowed to wear it at 13. Cosmetics A La Carte, where not only do they have incredible make up, complete with a bespoke option, but they take the time to show and teach you

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Happy Easter

I’ve loved this week. It’s been full of Easter baking which I’ve enjoyed sharing with friends and family. Easter isn’t complete without mini eggs and they are even better on cupcakes. My sister helped me decorate them, her overwhelming need to

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