Red Velvet

Yesterday was my best friend Becki’s birthday. Whenever we get cupcakes she always orders red velvet so I knew that  it was her flavour of choice. I’ve never made it before so

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Mountain Dew Cake

I’ve been promising my cousin I would make this for him for a while. Today was his birthday so I finally attempted it. His request was Mountain Dew cake. It felt weird adding a soft drink to cake mix and to frosting. I vaguely followed this recipe but doubled it and

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Having been brought up on Middle Eastern food, Baklava is one of my favourite sweet treats. Despite having tried many varieties at different places, like with most foods, the one my Grandmother makes is by far the best so I asked her to teach me. Baklava doesn’t have that many ingredients but requires making the perfect sugar syrup and rolling which took me a few times to get right. The best part was

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Love Heart Biscuits

I couldn’t resist a bit of Valentine’s baking. For me Love Hearts are pretty iconic for this romantic day and so I chose to recreate them in cookie form. I made the royal icing in the typical pastel colours and wrote little messages on all of them. I stuck to mostly

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