Coconut Cookies

Coconut being his favourite thing, I made these to take for my Grandpa while visiting this weekend. They were really easy to make and a good balance between

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Macmillan Art Sale

 I’m sure cakes bought for charity always taste better. These ones were for a Macmillan Art and Craft sale in Brighton. I used the poster for the event as inspiration and used mini smarties and colourful cases.

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Candy Corn

The time between Halloween and Thanksgiving is candy corn season. I had been craving them for a while and so wanted to put them on everything. They made these cupcakes a little bit festive. This was the first time I used squirty icing as I was rushing to make them

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Hooters Party

A good reason to have a silly party is your best friend is moving to Spain for a year to teach and you are going to miss her. I threw a ‘Hooters’ themed party for my friend who loved visiting Hooters while traveling this summer. It was really just a reason for

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