friends fest uk

Friends Cupcakes


How YOOOOOOU doing?

I’ve pretty much spent most of my life watching Friends. I started watching it when I was pretty little. Although I obviously didn’t understand all the jokes way back when (the fake laughing in the background was the judge of when to laugh) it’s one of those programmes that I didn’t stop enjoying the older I got, it just got better.

We had some of the first series on VHS when I was young and when I was sick and off school I would watch Friends. That’s just what ya do. I must have seen those ones thousands of times. I remember we used to get my Aunt who lived in America to tape them and send them over as the episodes aired there way before the UK (extra bonus: she used to cut out the ads, probably quite a skill in the 90s).

It’s one of those shows that you can watch with whoever, whenever and it doesn’t stop being funny. I’d watch it with my grandparents, when I got home from school, when I got home from Uni, even now when I’m taking a baking break…It’s full of great characters, silly catchphrases and will always be one of my faves.

A fellow Friends-lover Shannon had her birthday last week so I made her these to celebrate. It was so much fun making all the little Friends icons, especially the

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