oreo brownies

Oreo Cheesecake Brownies


This post is not meant to disturb your January health kick but these were too good not to share. And by share I mean visually. They are loooooong gone. On Thursday I went for a long crisp morning walk with my friend Louisa. She mentioned how she wanted me to make her brownies. I don’t normally make brownies as I’m either eating my Mum’s amazing ones or scoffing the pecan caramel ones from the Lallapolosa Baking Company. However, Friday called for

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Oreo Brownies

 Although my mum makes the best brownies in the world, I had to try these after watching Lorraine Pascale’s brilliant programme ‘Baking Made Easy’ (recipe here). They really were pretty easy to make and turned out to be amazing. I drooled over the smell coming from the oven and quickly had two as soon as they had cooled a bit. The sweetness of the Oreos balanced out the dark chocolate perfectly. I will definitely be

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