painting cake

Painting Cake


I used to love visiting art shops. During A Level and Art College I would love wandering the aisles of tubes of paint, rainbow pastels, and professional fine liners. I always managed to justify buying more colouring pencils because it came with a student discount. Amongst the little calligraphy section and wooden models of hands used to be these mini easels and canvases that I always used to wonder if anyone actually used. These little structures entered my mind not long ago and then it clicked – they were the right size to sit on top of cake. It was sort of a ‘Duuuuh’ moment and then I knew exactly who the cake would be for. My friend

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Granny’s 90th Birthday Cake

Today was my Granny’s 90th Birthday. I don’t even know how to begin describing her to you, for she is the most incredible person. Granny tells the best stories about her childhood in New York and countless other tales from her interesting life. All her anecdotes come with every detail as if it happened yesterday and I love hearing all her memories. My favourite accounts of hers are about

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