Ballet and Blooms


Happy New Year! I hope 2016 is a wonderful one for you. Sorry if you’re on a health, no sugar, vegan, whatever kick but there’s going to be lots of cakey and foodie travel posts coming up this week. Having a little catch up to ease myself in to this year. Starting with this 80th birthday cake I made just before Christmas. I wanted to keep it pretty and floral while still

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Gingerbread People


I think this Christmas I’m resigning to the fact that I’m just going to smell like gingerbread forever. Or possibly I’m just turning in to one of these guys. I adore making gingerbread – the smell (um the most festive of them all!!!), how nice the dough is to roll out and cut and how cute the end results always are. These guys might be one of my favourite things I’ve made this year. They were for a Christmas party and to be the name places at the table. The brief was

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Let It Jon Snow


Back around April I decided to be really productive with my time and watch the whole of Game of Thrones in a month or so. Everyone had been telling me how amazing it was and I quickly become obsessed. Although getting through all five series was probably not my biggest achievement this year I thought this Christmas I would celebrate my GOT love with some limited edition jumpers. Inspired by this awesome card I picked up in New York I made these ‘Let it Snow’ (get it?!) jumpers to give out to my friends and fellow Jon Snow/Thrones fans. Look at his little face! He looks like he knows nothing…


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A La Carte Lipsticks


There’s something very exciting about Christmas parties and getting all dressed up. Choosing what to wear, something festive, maybe overly embellished, slightly on the verge of fancy dress. Debating whether the shoes you wore last year are ok to wear again and hoping they will be a little kinder to you this year. Then actually getting ready, putting make up on while listening to Mariah Carey to get you in the mood. I’m sure the reality is never as good as the getting ready but Christmas parties are fun. So fun. I’m sure there are many that have already had them, still fresh with hangovers and memories of clumsy dancing after too many Christmassy drinks.

If you’ve partied or are yet to party this year I hope you did it wearing this lipstick or kissed someone that was. It’s my all time favourite red. I wear it all year round but like to crack it out most days during the party season. It’s a Cosmetics Al La Carte Lipstick called ‘Vintage’ it lasts for aaaages and

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