Map Birthday Cake


Last week I made this birthday cake for my friend’s Stepdad who was turning 65. I’ve known him for a long while now and I can safely say he is one of the kindest people I know. I don’t think I’ve ever made him a proper birthday cake before as he’s typically travelling around this time of the year, so I wanted to make him something special for his big birthday. He has so many interests and great achievements that could have been incorporated on the cake but my friend and I decided to celebrate things a little closer to home. I kept the design

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Cutter and Squidge


I was heading to dinner in Soho with my friends Alexia and Gabi just before Christmas when we walked past a pretty awesome looking cake shop, Cutter and Squidge. I ducked in and asked what time they closed thinking that it would be in the next few minutes or so. They said they closed at 10pm making it the perfect place for post-dinner dessert. We rushed back after our meal and spent ages oohing and aahing over the variety of treats behind the glass. The shop was just as cute as it’s name, with

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Notes from New York


After a few days in Nashville we flew to New York. I was really excited to be in New York at this time as although Thanksgiving hadn’t happened yet there were still hints of Christmas emerging in the shops and street decorations. Here are some highlights from New York…

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Notes from Nashville


Back in November Lauren, Steve, Alexia and I took a little two-part trip to Nashville and then New York. We had been to Nashville before so left out most of the classic places to visit such as the Ryman and Country Music Hall of Fame. Our adventure to Nashville was purely based on our love of the TV show with the same name. We went to visit some of our favourite locations from the show such as the Blue Bird Café, went to see the cast film a few scenes and explored some good places to shop, eat and drink. Nashville was full of pockets of really great cool places. We discovered Pinewood Social on the last night – a huge space with a relaxed vibe and it’s own bowling alley and Crema, a nicely designed coffee shop with a really good latte. Here are a few of my other highlights…

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