Frozen Cake


Last Saturday at around midday I found myself cider in-hand (yep I knew what time it was) at Sing-a-long Frozen. I, along with my sister, two friends and a cinema full of adult accompanied children belted out all the hits from the beloved film. It was seriously good fun, a great way to spend a rainy afternoon and it was the perfect way to get inspired for the Frozen themed cake I had to make this week. Well, that and the snow that fell midweek! This cake was for

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Valentine’s Biscuit Balloons


Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and I’m SO ready for a bit of seasonal baking, some mushy music and heart-shaped presents. Whether you’re thinking of expressing your feelings for your partner or telling your friend how awesome they are, here’s an idea to add a little bit of fun to your day of love. I teamed up with my friend Alexia to create some Valentine’s inspired gifts centred around balloons. We each gave them our own twist, Alexia by incorporating her floristry skills and me including some baked goods. I began by

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Snickers Cupcakes


I feel like my recent posts have been a sort of rebellion against January. It’s not on purpose. I swear I’m not angry at all of you eating salads and being your best selves. But this is what I felt like making. These were for the monthly office cupcakes I do and I figured that to break any diets they would have to 

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Oreo Cheesecake Brownies


This post is not meant to disturb your January health kick but these were too good not to share. And by share I mean visually. They are loooooong gone. On Thursday I went for a long crisp morning walk with my friend Louisa. She mentioned how she wanted me to make her brownies. I don’t normally make brownies as I’m either eating my Mum’s amazing ones or scoffing the pecan caramel ones from the Lallapolosa Baking Company. However, Friday called for

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