Piggy Cake

Do you have a favourite animal? I don’t think I ever have. I chose my favourite colour (orange) from a young age, but never committed to an animal. I’ve always loved dogs, found monkeys really funny and I fell in love with koalas in January, but have no permanent fave. My cousin Luisa however, has always loved pigs. Last time she visited

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Cake At The End

I don’t really run. Ok sure, I’ll run for a train if I really really need to but that’s about it. Part of me really likes running (that part is definitely not my legs). Mostly though, I find it tricky. It’s hard enough trying to locate my trainers let alone motivate myself to go outside, in the cold and move fast. When I signed up to do this year’s Race For Life and convinced my friends to do it with me obviously our biggest incentive was

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Cantillon Cupcakes

I know nothing about beer. I know I like a cold Bud or a limey Corona every now and then but nothing about specialty or craft beers. The most adventurous one I’ve ever tried was a banana bread beer which tasted like those foamy banana sweets you get at the cinema. But while my cousin, Christopher, was visiting this week we went on a sort of craft beer crawl and

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Retro Radio

When I handed this cake to the waiter he reacted like I’d just handed him a baby whale to look after. To be honest, when the restaurant agreed to let us bring our own cake to celebrate, they probably weren’t expecting a three-tiered retro radio the size of small suitcase. This beast of a cake is for my lovely Uncle who recently turned 60. He lives in America, so we celebrated this week while he

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