Thank You Annette

Our lovely friend Annette recently came over to teach some friends and I a food safety course. We all passed. Woop! I can’t really thank her enough for taking the time to come and teach us. In attempt to express how grateful we were I made her these cupcakes. I wanted to make

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New York Cupcakes

New York is probably one of my favourite cities in the world. So when I was asked to make these New York themed cupcakes for a party I was over excited. I made each topper by hand using

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Trophy Cupcakes

Some events and achievements are too special not to celebrate with cake. I  made each of the trophies by melting chocolate, pouring it into a mould and then

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Happy Birthday Tillie

I was recently asked to make some cupcakes for our neighbours’ daughter’s 3rd birthday party. This was a lovely task for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it was great to do something for our neighbours who are really nice, and happen to have a couple of the cutest kids I’ve met. Secondly, I got to make

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