biscuit cupcakes

Party Ring and Jaffa Cake Cupcakes

I’ve been dreaming of putting mini party rings on cupcakes for a while now. The time finally came just over a week ago, before I went on holiday, when the weather was just starting to turn. It had been rainy and grey and with the temperature dropping I decided it qualified as biscuit weather. You know what I mean. Obviously not wanting to settle for just a biscuit or a cupcake with tea I 

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Tea and Biscuit Cupcakes

Although January was somewhat miserable weather-wise, for me it was pretty great and full of a combination of my favourite things. I spent it enjoying plenty of warm drinks, afternoons experimenting in the kitchen, serious tv series catch up, watching endless red carpets on E! and cosy chats with friends. My month inspired these cupcakes, a comforting combination to make the winter pass a little faster. Personally I think

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