
London Dungeon Cupcakes

London_Dungeon_Afternoon_Crumbs_01 You can say you’re a pretty cool company to work for when you organise a trip to The London Dungeon and order cupcakes to match. Found were definitely winning at being an awesome company for their quarterly review and getting in to the spooky spirit too. I don’t really do scary very well but I went to The London Dungeon once a long time ago. It was prior to their revamp but it was still creepy and I went round with sweaty palms and slightly hiding behind people. Think it was the unknown, I reckon I’d be ok second time round. Maybe. For the decorations I remembered

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Halloween Drip Cake

Halloween_Drip_Afternoon_Crumbs_01 Boo! Can you believe it’s that time again – pumpkin fest and candy corn overload. Maybe that’s just me…I love this time of year – scrabbling together Halloween outfits and plans and if you’re me trying to avoid any actual scary things. This cake is to celebrate all the great bits of Halloween!! It’s an Oreo cake with a milk chocolate drip and topped with

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Love Heart Cupcakes


It’s that time of year again. Everything gets heart-shaped and love songy. I’ve made a lot of Valentine’s things over the years but thought I would stick with a classic for these cupcakes. Love hearts! I made teeny heart shaped biscuits using this small cutter and iced some traditional messages of love on them. As you can see I

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Christmas Cupcakes 2014


I’m very aware how long it’s been since my last post! Hopefully you’ve been catching a few of my little updates on Instagram but honestly I’ve been pretty slack with the posting this December. This is mostly due to the mega load of festive biscuits and cupcakes I’ve been making. Oh and a bit of manic shopping. Once I’d finished all my baking orders, I made these. To me it feels like Christmas when

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