Nakey Cakey


How is your January going so far? I’ve mostly been hibernating for a week with this sort of non-cold cold, sketching cake plans and watching Friends re-runs. This set up also leads to a fair amount of scrolling time on Pinterest. It’s nice to start the year being inspired I think. I’ve been drawn to simple and naked cakes (you may have seen the awesome naked cake my Mum made for my birthday!) in an attempt to achieve a more relaxed vibe for the start of the year. It was also nice to make something that didn’t take too many hours, or days, and I whipped up this

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Owl Cupcakes for Katy


I’m very aware that at the start of January most people are shielding their eyes from cakes, sugar and anything that isn’t filled with fancy new wheats or super duper fruits. BUT people still have birthdays this month and those people neeeed cake. Our friend Katy has been staying with us on and off over the holidays while she is back and forth between Ibiza and Cornwall. We were lucky enough to have her on her birthday so surprised her with a few

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Afternoon Crumbs Biscuits


Happy New Year! For me it’s always quite hard to write the first post of the year. I’m a bit out of practice and I find trying to gather my thoughts at the start of January usually seems a bit of a struggle. I’m probably just waking up out of my Christmas food coma. Anyway, I hope everyone had a relaxing Christmas and that maybe you baked something to share with your friends or family. I’m a bit overexcited about 2015 already. My diary is already sprinkled with

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Christmas Cupcakes 2014


I’m very aware how long it’s been since my last post! Hopefully you’ve been catching a few of my little updates on Instagram but honestly I’ve been pretty slack with the posting this December. This is mostly due to the mega load of festive biscuits and cupcakes I’ve been making. Oh and a bit of manic shopping. Once I’d finished all my baking orders, I made these. To me it feels like Christmas when

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